Most likely you come across this article because you want to know how you can analyze your private profile. Common reasons for people to find out more about your their LinkedIn data are:
I will show you 2 ways, how you can find out more about your personal LinkedIn statistics. One is completely free, the other one has a free plan as well as a plan for professional users.
The most common way is to gather the data manually from LinkedIn.
Many users use this approach in the expectation that the analysis will reveal optimization potentials.
We will now have a look at what you can expect from this method.
By using this method you get basic insights into your personal LinkedIn data. You will find statistics concerning your profile as well as your content.
Be warned: You will need quite some time to do the research this way, because you have to navigate to a lot of sites within LinkedIn to get all the data you need.
Data you can extract:
Data you CAN'T extract:
As you see you get a good first insight into your data.
However, what I miss at this point is that LinkedIn does not provide data for a more extensive analysis.
For example, I miss the information on how well my audience responds to my content, therefor I usually look at the engagement rate.
Also, I miss that LinkedIn does not give me any informations about the correlation of certain data sets, as we will see in the next method.
As I can imagine extracting data manually is not for everyone (including me). There aren't many tools out there that let you analyze your private LinkedIn data.
However, there is one tool that is capable of doing so. The tool is Aware.
Let's have a close look at what it can do for you.
Data you can extract:
Data you CAN'T extract:
A dedicated analysis tool gives you much deeper and clearer insights into your data.
It will help you speed up your analysis process while at the same time helps you to improve your (or your clients) LinkedIn game.
To sum things up, here is a comprehensive overview of what kind of solution is right for you.
You do not expect to get actionable insights right out of your data. Instead, you know that it takes time and patience to analyze every content piece on its own and you fine with that. Also, you don't want to invest money. Then this solution is perfect for you.
You want comprehensive insights into your data, that help you figure out what works and what doesn't. You do not want to spend hours analyzing each and every content piece. You want more in-depth data to improve your LinkedIn game. You are a professional and/ or care for a team or clients. You can invest a small amount of money into these additional features.
That's it from my site. If you want to try out Aware, go ahead and grab yourself a free trial account, by signing up today. Have an awesome week!