Blog Post

How to deactivate the "viewers of this profile also viewed" function

Have you ever seen the function on Amazon: "Customers who bought xy also buy"? LinkedIn does something similar on your profile with a link to other profiles.

For most people, this is probably a less desirable feature, since a longer visit time on your profile will result in more interaction and is therefore potentially beneficial to your efforts. So, let's take a look at how you can disable this feature in LinkedIn.

LinkedIn Settings to deactivate the viewers of this profile also viewed
This Gif shows ho to deactivate that function

In case the Gif doesn't load, here is everything step by step:

  1. Login to your LinkedIn Account
  2. Navigate to the right side and click "Me 🔻"
  3. In the dropdown menu click on "Settings & Privacy" (a new page  opens)
  4. Navigate in the left sidebar to "Account Preferences"
  5. Click the link "Viewers of this profile also viewed"
  6. Switch the toggle to "off" (grey state)